Integrated Control and Command Centre ICCC

Integrated Control and Command Centre ICCC

About the venture or work: 

Legislature of Madhya Pradesh has set out on a goal-oriented adventure of creating different urban communities of the state as Smart Cities. This activity incorporates 07 urban areas distinguished as a component of the Smart City Mission of Government of India and state recognized urban communities far beyond these 07 urban communities. The 07 urban communities chose/intended to be chosen as a major aspect of Smart City Mission are as per the following. 

Effectively Selected – Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Ujjain and Gwalior 

Arranged – Sagar and Satna 

Through this task, BSCDCL means to configuration, create, actualize, work and keep up: 

Basic Cloud based Control and Command Application. 

A Cloud based Data Center for every one of the 07 brilliant urban communities of the state 

A Cloud based Disaster Recovery Center for every one of the 07 brilliant urban communities of the state 

The Integrated Control and Command Center (ICCC) at every one of the 07 urban communities with city based 

Controls and Analytics. 

The degree might be extended to incorporate more urban areas by the state in future or during the task time frame. 

What is CCDCSC? 

CCDCSC will be a typical stage where all the data from different sources like city activity focuses and applications will be put away. All the data gathered here, will be broke down for better arranging of the brilliant urban areas utilizing coordinated logical layer/BI motor. These bits of knowledge/patterns will be useful in overseeing occurrences over the state and individual city and complete a superior getting ready for the advancement and conveyance of savvy city ventures. 

CCDCSC will be cloud based Data Center based out of any area inside India. CCDCSC will be associated with different city level ICCCs and different uses of the city from where feeds are to be gotten (aside from video nourishes). It will have normal war room application stage for each of the 7 urban areas. It will likewise have other normal applications like coordinated expository layer/BI motor. In the long run all the savvy parts/applications sent in the urban areas will be coordinated with the regular stage layer for overseeing keen city tasks. 

Mission and Vision: 

The Madhya Pradesh Urban Administration and Development Department (MPUADD) has conceived to set up Common Cloud based Data Center for Smart Cities (CCDCSC) and Integrated City Command and Control Center (ICCC) for every city to run city tasks for 7 urban communities. This will be utilized for making urban areas more brilliant regarding overseeing activities of the savvy parts sent over the urban communities. This will at long last advantage natives of shrewd urban areas inside the province of Madhya Pradesh utilizing ICT as spine and consistent joining with all the required and existing ICT frameworks/Smart segments. The normal CCDCSC is arranged thinking about the ideal utilization of assets of all the 7 urban areas. 


State imagines the arranged CCDCSC and ICCC to satisfy following targets: 

Single wellspring of truth‖ for the city's urban capacities 

Stage with the capacity to get, astutely relate and share data to more readily foresee results 

Go about as City's crisis and calamity the executives stage 

Capacity to coordinate different content, voice, information, video and brilliant sensors correspondence interfaces 

Capacity to coordinate and associate on the web and disconnected communications 

Capacities to help GIS based episodes representation 

Future confirmation - in view of Modular, Open, Configurable engineering with capacities to incorporate creative new applications 

Clever and Intuitive work process the executives 

Progressed authentic records the executives and chronicling abilities 

Progressed mechanical evaluation digital security highlights 

Incorporation of different IT frameworks of various partners with the goal of improving wellbeing, security and giving better open administrations in the urban communities will help in following: 

To give help to native at the season of crises 

To give offices of Ambulance, Police Van, Fire Brigade to the natives 

To successfully oversee Traffic and Roads and bolster police to keep up Law and Order 

Calamity Management 

Natural Control/Pollution Control 

Productive client of open assets like power and water 

Productive and convenient conveyance of open administrations 

Better wellbeing and training administrations 

Future Work: 

There are various capacities and frameworks that will be overseen out of the Command Center Application. Contingent upon the sort of frameworks and capacities, they will be checked or potentially Controlled from the Command Center Application, and will have the choice of sharing a feed to another office as required by means of the stage. This will coordinate all the City Systems acquired under the Smart City Mission, which incorporate frameworks obtained through this task and framework which are/will be secured as different undertakings. Notwithstanding frameworks distinguished in this RFP, the Command Center Application will flawlessly incorporate the accompanying framework being acquired independently by every city: 

E-Governance and City ERP 
DIAL 100 
DIAL 108 
Traffic Management System 
Safe City Cameras Feed 
Crisis Response and Disaster Management 
Met Department 
Savvy Parking 
Open Bike Sharing 
Savvy Pole 
Savvy Lighting 
Strong Waste Management Services 
Shrewd Transport Management System 
Metropolitan Corporations Call Center 
Metropolitan Corporations Services Portal 
City GIS Platform 
City Application 
Water Management System 
Publicly supporting Data 
Fire Brigade Control System 
Sunlight based Roof Top 
ABD region Utilities 
ABD region Lighting 
ABD region Metering 
ABD region Surveillance 
ABD region building the board frameworks.


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