Green and Blue Master Plan

Green and Blue Master Plan


"To make Bhopal the most decent and the most ecologically practical and independent city in the nation utilizing the most recent supportable development arranging techniques."

The principle targets of the Green and Blue Master Plan for Bhopal Smart City are as per the following:

To create and execute strategies, projects, and undertakings that standard coordinated urban arranging and ecological administration that will upgrade social and natural supportability of urban framework and administrations

To accomplish a 100% green structures and neighborhoods in stages

To give the essential administrations (for example water supply, sewerage, and urban transport) to all family units and construct courtesies for all

To design full use of land packages 

Division Specific Smart Intervention Projects 

Five noteworthy divisions have been distinguished for the investigation: vitality, structures, waste and water, green and blue, and transport. Explicit mediations have been proposed in these divisions to decrease their vitality request, increment vitality effectiveness and change to cleaner methods of fuel.

Building Sector

100% Green Buildings in Bhopal by 2036 

Plan visualizes stage savvy progress of existing structure stock into green structures by 2036:

Stage 1: Energy Conservation (2020-2031)

Stage 2: Water Conservation (2021-2032)

Stage 3: Housekeeping and Water Management (2022-2033)

Carbon Neutral structure for Smart City Office

This venture proposes to build up the new office of Bhopal Smart City as a model carbon unbiased structure. Making a model structure in the city will energize the engineers and developers to pursue suite and there will be an expansion in development of net zero or green structures inside the city.

Limit Building and familiarity with ECBC rules 

A backing and limit improvement venture under which limit working of different classifications of partners will be attempted. To guarantee execution of the ECBC/MP-ECBC rules, fitting limit and consciousness of inhabitants/manufacturers/specialists and so forth required. Manufacturers, planners, designers and gifted workers will be prepared by specialists to coordinate the idea of green structures in the development procedure.

Urban Green Lab 

This task is for the advancement of a testing research facility in the city to test just as guarantee different kinds of green structure materials, sun powered boards and electric vehicle battery. Bhopal Green Lab will be housed in the testing office of the proposed Bhopal Living Lab in a 2,000 sqft unit.

Vitality Sector

Building Energy Management System (BEMS)

A refined method to screen and control the structure's vitality needs – utilizing sensors, web frameworks and streamlining programming. This framework can screen and control changed necessities of the structure regardless of its use like HVAC, lighting or safety efforts.

Siphoning Efficiency Improvements 

To build water supply siphoning effectiveness in 33 chose low proficiency siphons in Bhopal Municipal Corporation territory - RajajikaKuwan Pumping Station, Idgah WTP, Bairagarh WTP, Yatch club 1, Bairagarh Raw Water (Old), Bairagarh New WTP, Kamala Park and Fatehgarh (Badal Mahal). Establishment of capacitor bank to improve control factor.

Post Top Solar Lighting for open parks 

Shaft mounted road lights to be fitted with sun based boards in parks and gardens of BMC. In the day time the power produced is pushed into the matrix and at night the lights draw control from the lattice. 1,720 light posts can be fitted with 300W shaft top sun oriented boards.

Mysolar App 

An application for MPMKVVCL purchasers in Bhopal will be created to advance Solar Rooftop Systems. Customers can introduce the application on their cell phones, input their territory of rooftop top and associated load/region of structure, no. of machines, long periods of activity and so on and after that apply for the equivalent. Yield adding machine will give the sunlight based power age potential, limit of sun based board required, cost/endowments of sun based housetop establishment, vitality utilization from sun oriented board and complete reserve funds every month.

Green and Blue Cover 

Urban Forest Creation and Management

Formation of multi-practical spaces under urban ranger service in key areas, those are various, solid, and available for all natives. This incorporates common arrangements in the more extensive water catchment, for example, directed tree and forest planting to improve water quality, and to keep down water and lessen flooding in downstream urban regions. Recognized locales are Kaliasot, Jahangirabad, Laharpur, LaharpurNala, Hataikheda, Upper Lake and Patra Nala, in all out spreads 10.6 km2.

The task additionally incorporates Sustainable seepage systems(SuDS) parts. It will oversee volume and stream rates of run-off to lessen the downstream stream and diminish the danger of flooding. It additionally decrease contamination downstream of improvement and advance reviving of Groundwater.

Transportation Sector 

Advancement of Pedestrian, Cyclist and Transport Infrastructure in Bhopal

Formation of Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure for Bhopal Smart City tends to 153.02 km of Green Corridors/Green Ways distinguished to fill in as blood vessel organize and incorporate Footpaths, Cycle Tracks and Pedestrian Cross Overs and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) parts. Three destinations distinguished for pilot ventures are Kaliasot Canal Corridor, Jahangirabad Corridor and MotiaTalabBadaBagh Corridor.

Working Busses on Biogas from STP 

50 Operating Busses can be run utilizing the Biogas delivered from the 7 Sewage Treatment Plants (55 MLD) in Bhopal. Through anaerobic assimilation, microorganisms separate biodegradable material without oxygen to create methane (biogas). Biogas can be utilized to run transports at a lot less expensive rates.

E-Mobility: Electric Busses in Bhopal 

The task is to work Electric Hybrid Midi Bus Service in Bhopal. The Electric transports will lessen vitality utilization, give simplicity of earlier arranging of Travel in Bhopal, point-to-point availability and spread shorter separations, supplement existing Public Transport Services.

Water and Waste 

Decentralized Waste Water Treatments Systems (DEWATS) 

Decentralized waste water treatment frameworks guarantees that sewage istreated at source and reused which spares extensive capitalexpenditure for the city as well as advances asset reusing. 4 territories have been distinguished - Aakriti Eco City (Misrod Ward), Chinar Fortune City (Misrod Ward), Meenakshi Planet City (Bagmugaliya Ward), Pebble Bay (Bagmugaliya Ward).

Housetop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) App 

Intuitive App for Promoting Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) in Bhopal. The application will fill in as a module inside the "Bhopal Plus" application and its fundamental target will be to produce mindfulness about water collecting.


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